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Life Coach/Spiritual Director Grief/Loss/Forgiveness Specialist

“And when you’re worrying about whether you’re hopeful or hopeless or pessimistic or optimistic, who
cares? The main thing is that you’re showing up, that you’re here, and that you’re finding ever more
capacity to love this world because it will not be healed without that. That is what is going to unleash our intelligence and our ingenuity and our solidarity for the healing of our world.” - Joanna Macy

Do you ache to make a difference?

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Have you been:

Worrying about the future?

Feeling alone and un-sustained?
Anxious about yourself and your direction? 



Do you dream about a place where support is a given, ideas can be shared and what is possible may come to pass?

Do you thrive in groups, or do you need a coach?  Do you have energy and desire but need ideas?

You are not alone

I have spent decades, counseling, and coaching, urging, and encouraging. I work with small groups and individuals who want to make a difference in this world for themselves. Here is a path towards making a difference, a way to lift the veil of despair.

Get started
Understand hope as a verb
Define achievable goals and objectives
Get the support you need
Hanging with the Herd

Connecting Heart and Horse
Hoofbeats Ranch, Petaluma

You need not have any experience with horses to engage this practice, this work is done on the ground. The healing herd is made up of retired and rescued horses- each
with their own story to tell. We do not ride them; we invite them to companion us on our spiritual journey.


Horses are remarkably healing creatures as they have no agenda, no judgement, and no need to prove anything. They teach us how to stay in the moment, how to regulate our heart rate, and how to live peacefully within the herd.


You will receive the personal attention of a certified Spiritual Director and be paired with your own horse for each session.


What to expect:
ï‚·Learn more about the wisdom and knowledge of horses.
Experience the powerful mutuality of connection between horse and human.
ï‚·Feel more grounded and gain tools for moving through life with greater ease.


90 min Individual session and 3-hour mini group retreats available.  Space is limited to 4 people per session.  

Image by Pieter van Noorden

Hanging with the Herd



All offerings are available in-person, online, or through hanging with the herd.

Life Support/Spiritual Direction

In any given day we all cycle in and out of what brain scientists call, “regulation” and “dysregulation.” My approach to life support and spiritual direction is to help you recognize the tools that bring you back into regulation faster and allow you stay there

I specialize in untangling the damage done by religious institutions to those who did/do not conform to the expectations of the “faith” in which they were raised. If you have experienced church burns, but still long to have a spiritual connection, I want to help you unlock a new understanding of the positive interdependency of spirit, nature, and loving relationships. I am trained in somatic trauma resilience and recovery.


Big life transitions such as the death of a loved one or pet, the loss of a home, or relationship can turn life upside down. I will walk with you through the steps of grief, to help you establish realistic goals for navigating the twists and turns of loss.

Forgiveness/Conflict Resolution

Forgiving others and ourselves is one of the biggest challenges we face in this life. Using
ancient and modern techniques to make space for you to explore your feelings, I will
guide you on a journey that is guaranteed to be life-giving and filled with hope.


As a trained mediator, I am also happy to work with you learn about and engage in
practices for resolution with parties who have caused you harm or hurt and/or those
with whom you have been the instigator of pain.

 I was personally very spiritually stuck and a short session with Curran and the healing herd provided almost instant clarity about a change I needed to make that probably saved my life. Highly recommend a session with Curran and the herd!    

Melinda V. McLain - pastor, musician, and founder of

The Good Table in El Sobrante, CA

“Self-care is never selfish” Parker Palmer


Individual or group work available


Appointments available in person or electronically.


Location specific Equine
companioned sessions also available upon request.


Rates 150.00 per hour

200.00 per 90min equine companied session

3 hour equine retreat also available


Sonoma, CA, USA


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